Beautiful view of the forest in Germany where The Gifted Tree has planting projects to plant gift trees.

Stadtkyll, Germany

“Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world.” – John Muir

Project Description

The Gifted Tree’s planting project is in the forest areas around the municipality of Stadtkyll, Germany. These forests consist of a monospecific stand, a type of plantation often unable to resist biological attacks. Indeed, the stand has been invaded by bark beetles, wood-eating insects that attack living trees. By digging channels under the bark, their action prevents the sap from circulating, which eventually causes the death of the trees affected.

In order to revitalize the stand, seven native species adapted to the climate of the site will be planted. These species include: Lirico pine, Douglas fir, Scots Pine, Spruce, Sessile Oak, Beech, and Larch. This diversity of species will increase the resilience of the forested area to possible climatic or biological hazards. In the long run, the reconstitution of this stand will allow a rich biodiversity to reintegrate the massif and help the trees that compose it to store carbon, an instrumental approach to fight global warming.


You can view the general area of this planting project by clicking on the following link:

Virtual Tour – Germany

Once connected to the map, feel free to zoom in and out to get a feel of the general planting
area as well as its location in Germany, Europe, and the world. Please understand that this is the
general area of the tree planting. Your tree will be planted among thousands of other gift trees and
there is no plaque designating the gift tree and visiting the tree is unfortunately not possible.
Know that the tree planting project is making a monumental difference for the earth and
opening a new doorway to the world for future generations.

Preserve Their Legacy For Future Generations.

Location listed on tree tribute planting certificate = Stadtkyll, Germany

If you have any questions, or need help in placing an order, please feel free to contact us.