Entries by Doug Bell

Planting Memorial Trees in Memory Of a Loved One – Made Easy

Planting trees in memory of a loved one has become very popular especially in lieu of sending flowers. It makes sense. Trees provide many economic, health and environmental benefits as well as providing a gift to the earth lasting for generations. Here at The Gifted Tree, that is what we do, plant memorial trees. Recently, […]

When is the Best Time to Plant a Tree?

One of the most frequently asked questions that we get is when is the best time to plant a tree? The best time to plant a tree depends on your climate. Generally, the best time to plant a tree is in the late spring or fall, when the weather is more relaxed, and the ground […]

Earth Day and Arbor Day – Two Tree-mendous Reasons To Plant Trees

Spring is here and April provides a wonderful opportunity to plant trees as we celebrate two tree-related occasions: Earth Day and Arbor Day. A great time to give a gift to our planet while remembering a lost loved-one with a memorial gift tree or celebrating a momentous life event by planting a celebration tree. Both these […]

The Best Gift For Someone Who Has Lost A Loved One

Giving somebody a gift after they’ve lost a loved one can be an excellent way to show you’re thinking of them during this challenging time, however, there can be particularly treacherous waters to navigate while doing so. Not everybody appreciates materialistic gifts during a time of grieving; it can make it more difficult to move […]

Planting A Tree For A Passed Loved One

Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult things we go through in life. It is a difficult time of grieving for the family. There are few words to bring comfort. The best thing we can do is remember them and honor them by keeping their memory alive. The Gifted Tree has, […]

The Monarch Butterfly – How You Can Help Save Them

In April 2022 The Gifted Tree published a blog titled “The Monarch Butterfly and the Importance of Trees.” Since the publication of this well-read blog, we have received numerous questions on how individuals can help save this beloved species. I will delve into that answer in a moment.  Unfortunately, since the publication of the blog, […]

Monarch Butterflies and the Importance of Trees

A monarch butterfly floats by and a child’s face lights up. Viewing the semi-annual monarch butterfly migration causes adult jaws to drop. To both young and old, the beautiful monarch butterfly is one of the most recognized and beloved of all insects. They are studied in school and their habits are watched intensely by both […]