Entries by Doug Bell

7 Reasons We Are Different (and Better)

  A memorial gift tree is a powerful remembrance gift. A celebration gift tree is a memorable way to acknowledge a milestone event. Not only do these plantings honor a person or pet, but it also gives the earth a gift too by helping reforest areas ravaged by forest fires, deforestation and climate change. The Gifted […]

Five Positive Tree Stories from 2020

  2020 has been a difficult year in many ways and most of us won’t be sad when the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, ushering in the new year and hope for a better one ahead. There have been many stresses associated with the COVID-9 pandemic and an election year to boot. There have […]

5 Unique Holiday Gift Ideas To Give During The COVID-19 Pandemic

  This holiday season is shaping up to be like no other.  While in normal times we might be planning to travel to see family or getting together with work colleagues or friends, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused us to reevaluate. Gatherings will be much more limited in scope or non-existent for some. Furthermore, the […]

What is a Gift Tree?

  The Gifted Tree has been planting tens of thousands of gift trees since 2013 making it is easy to forget that not everyone understands exactly what a gift tree is. The fact is we get a number of customers contacting us to ask exactly that question: What is a gift tree?  We figured that […]

Why Does California Have So Many Wildfires?

  As if the COVID-9 pandemic is not enough, a record number of forest fires have occurred in California this summer. It is hard to pick up a newspaper these days, or turn on the television news, without reading about one of the 30+ fires devastating the state. Millions of acres of forest growth have […]


The Benefits of Trees During the Global Pandemic

Much has been written about the importance of trees and one would be hard-pressed to refute their benefits. Trees are simply amazing. They clean air and water, reverse the impact of land degradation, prevent species loss, and ease poverty by helping communities achieve long-term economic sustainability by providing food, energy, and income. They even provide […]

Deforestation – Facts and Solutions

Forest fires and its resulting deforestation from tree loss are continually in the news. We read about the fires in Australia, the Amazon Rainforest and here in the United States. Unfortunately, as June is rolling into July, look for another busy wildfire season in the West. A relatively dry fall and winter coupled with mountain […]

How To Make a Wildflower or Tree Seed Bomb

With the COVID-19 pandemic dominating the news and our lives, and with stress levels soaring because of it, I thought I would discuss a topic of a lighter note: Wildflower and Tree Seed Bombs. While it might suggest a topic of a less serious note, some of the words associated with the subject have some […]

Plant a Gift Tree as a Unique Flower Alternative

Funeral flowers have always been the traditional bereavement gift to send when someone loses a cherished loved one. Sometimes, however, flowers are not appropriate or practical to send. As I write this during the COVID-19 pandemic, many flower shops are shut down and funeral services are extremely small if they are able to take place […]