eCards That Plant a Tree
When planting a memorial tree for a lost loved one or planting a tree to celebrate a momentous milestone occasion, most people like to send a physical card. The Gifted Tree has a number of beautiful, handcrafted options that are sure to create a Wow experience when received. The recipient will definitely know you care. But sending a physical card is not always possible or practical. One option that has become quite popular in the last few years is sending an eCard that plants a tree to honor a family member or friend who has passed or to celebrate a happy occasion. The Gifted Tree has upped its game and not only has an eCard option, but a premium digital eCard that is animated and quite unique. It too will elicit that Wow reaction that always makes you, the sender, feel quite good and satisfied.
I frequently answer phone call questions about when a customer should send an eCard versus a physical tribute, and while I usually think a card one can hold in one’s hand is best, sometimes it does not make sense. Remember, all eCards plant a tree, or multiple trees if you choose, so either way not only are you connecting with family and friends to express your feelings, but you are making a gift to the world and helping the environment as well.
Occasions to send an eCard
Ecards are flexible gifts because they can both mark a happy occasion or note a more somber tone. While I have taken orders for eCards that people want to send “just because”, the most popular occasions are birthday eCards along with holidays, in particular, Christmas eCards, Valentine’s Day eCards, and Mother’s Day eCards and Father’s Day eCards. Customers are always looking for that unique gift and eCards that plant a tree fall into that category as their popularity is relatively new and therefore still elicit a powerfully positive reaction.
eCards are immediate
Sometimes you learn about a death and you want to let the family or friend know immediately that you are thinking of them and offer words of comfort. You don’t want the delay that mailing a card incurs. Other times you you are sitting at your desk, look at the calendar and realize you forgot that it is your best friend’s birthday or anniversary. No problem, with an eCard you can let them know promptly. Our eCards are delivered usually that day or the next day, at most, so you are getting it there when it can be most appreciated and impactful.
eCards can be scheduled
On the flip side, one nice feature about sending celebration or holiday related eCards are that you can schedule delivery on a specific date. With mailed tribute cards you can only approximate the delivery date, but The Gifted Tree’s eCard order page allows you to schedule the precise date when it will go out. Furthermore, you can schedule it far into the future, so if you think about it now but the birthday or holiday is not for months in the future, no problem, it will be sent and delivered on the exact date you note on the order form. Furthermore, eCards have their own tracking system so we know when they have been received and opened.
eCards are Green
eCards don’t use any paper so by sending one you are not harming the environment by cutting down a tree. Please note that most of our other physical tributes are made of handmade paper or are made from recycled materials so no harming of a tree takes place.

Sample Holiday Digital eCard Front
Other factors to consider when deciding whether to send an eCard or a physical card
- Don’t know the person’s address
There are times when you don’t know the person’s home or work address where you want to send it. This happens a lot when it is a business colleague you are honoring. An email address is all that is needed for us to send the eCard. And don’t worry, we never share email addresses, so you don’t have to worry about getting on unwanted email lists. We don’t even know how to do that! And by some chance if you have the wrong email address, it will get bounced back as undeliverable. We will then reach out to you for an edit so that we can resend it.
- A perfect choice when sending to an international destination
Mailing a physical tribute can take up to 4 months when mailing outside the United States, and sometimes longer during the holiday season . Quite frustrating to say the least. Furthermore, while I don’t like to admit it, some countries’ mail delivery service is not always reliable, and their addresses are a little funky. Since we do not send items with tracking, it is way too expensive, we can never be sure if a card has been delivered, and having a card returned for non-deliverability is not reliable. That is why I recommend sending an eCard when sending it to unusual international destinations. It is reliable and we know when it has been opened – a great peace of mind.
- Economically feasible
Finally, eCards are budget friendly so you can honor someone and plant a tree for as little as $19.95.
The Gifted Tree’s eCards are beautiful, and the animation gives it that extra sparkle and magic that is sure to make someone’s day, no matter what the occasion. Next time you want to honor someone by planting a tree, consider The Gifted Tree’s premium animated eCards to deliver your message. Magical and Impactful.