Beautiful view of the Washington Forest where The Gifted Tree has planting projects to plant gift trees.

Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington

“Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world.” – John Muir

Project Description

This Gift Tree Planting Project is in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington. This forest is one of the oldest national forests in the USA dating back to 1897. The national forest is located in a mountainous, volcanic region between Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams not far from the Columbia River.

The National Forest has suffered from many fires during the last nine years, especially around the iconic peak of Mt. Adams. It is now necessary to restore these areas, and your tree will help stabilize the slopes and improve watershed health amongst the burned forests.

The project will be planting ponderosa pine, western larch, Douglas-fir, and western white pines as this selection of native mixed conifer saplings is optimal to protect the forest from future fires and diseases. The diversity of tree structure allows better resistance to fire propagation or climatic hazards as well as a greater chance of survival in the event of parasite attacks. The operation will make the revitalization of the ecosystem possible and soon to be home to a welcomed biodiversity.

Virtual Tour

You can view the general area of this planting project by clicking on the following link:

Virtual Tour – Gifford Pinchot National Forest

Once connected to the map, feel free to zoom in and out to get a feel of the general planting
area as well as its location in Washington, the United States, and the world. The link is best viewed on a
personal computer as opposed to a cell phone. Please understand that this is the general area of the tree planting. Your
tree would be planted among thousands of other gift trees and there is no plaque designating the gift
tree and visiting the tree is unfortunately not possible.
Know that the tree planting project is making a monumental difference for the earth and
opening a new doorway to the world for future generations. If you have any questions, please
view our contact information at:

Preserve Their Legacy For Future Generations.

Location listed on tree tribute planting certificate = Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington

If you have any questions, or need help in placing an order, please feel free to contact us.